
AT8870 Motor Shield v1.0.0 for Wemos D1 mini I2C Dual Motor

AT8870 Motor Shield v1.0.0

AT8870 Motor Shield v1.0.0

AT8870 Motor Shield v1.0.0 for Wemos D1 mini I2C Dual Motor


I2C interface with LOLIN I2C Port.
Power supply voltage: VM=6.5-38VDC
Output current: Iout=2A(average) / 3.6A (peak)
CW/CCW/short brake/stop motor control modes

Pins Description
VM: Motor power supply + (6.5-38VDC)
GND: Motor power supply –
1-A-2: Motor A
2-B-1: Motor B


More info


Arduino library


In the package:

2x 8P pins
1x 6P 3.5mm pins
1x Motor Shield

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