
WEMOS D1 Mini / Pro DC Power Shield V1.1.0

WEMOS D1 Mini Shield DC Power Module V1.1

WEMOS D1 Mini Shield DC Power Module V1.1

WEMOS D1 Mini Shield DC Power Module V1.1.0


Input: 7-24V
Max Current: 1A
Shipping list:

1. DC Power Shiled x1PCS
2. Pins x2PCS
3. Connector x1PCS

Wemos D1 mini is probably the most versatile board, with ESP8266. Small, yet with enough input/output pins.
Programming and power connector via USB. While USB power is often available, not all IoT or DIY projects have 5V power source.
When there is no place for an additional power supply, DC Power shield comes in very handy.

Input Voltage from 7V – 24V
Maximum current: 1A
Wemos DC Power Shield v. 1.1.0

DC Power Shield.
Terminal block 2 pins.
2 goldpins 1×8

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